This is an unofficial tool to install/uninstall Nextflow plugins

Currently, Nextflow uses a "fixed" GitHub repository as "source of truth" for Plugins links and versions

This is great, because you can trust official plugins are verified, but sometimes it’s a pain when you want to use yours (or unofficial) plugins

The idea of nf-plugin-sdk is to have a simple bash to install plugins from GitHub or Maven using their coordinates, i.e.:

./nf-plugin-sdk install github edn-es:nf-plugin-template:v0.0.8-rc1


./nf-plugin-sdk install maven es.edn:nf-plugin-template:0.0.8-rc1

This bash will resolve the URL to the zip and download into the $HOME/.nextflow/plugin folder


Right now there is no Nextflow plugins published in Maven except nf-plugin-template, instead GitHub releases are used but we believe Maven repository can be a great alternative

How to use

  • Grab the bash

  • Allow execution

chmod +x ./nf-plugin-sdk

  • Install a plugin directly from Github

./nf-plugin-sdk install github edn-es:nf-parquet:v0.0.1-rc2